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How to wear a watch?


We have all asked ourselves "how to wear a watch"? A vast question that we will try to clarify for you. Your favorite object is an accessory of fashion and elegance, learn to match and wear your watch to be always at the top by adopting chic styles that match you. These few tips will help you to highlight your outfit, but especially your wrist.


Please note that there is no right side, you are completely free to choose on which wrist you want to wear your watch. Choose the side you are the most comfortable with. We still recommend that you wear your automatic or quartz watch on your non-dominant hand. If you are left-handed, choose the right side, conversely choose the left side. Putting your watch on your dominant wrist could hinder you during certain movements, you could damage it during certain manipulations or other practices such as writing. Discover our article and our advice to take good care of your watch.


It is important to adjust your watch for comfort and aesthetics. Avoid that your watch slips, it could bother you. To do this, place the dial at the level of your wrist bone. It would be a real shame if your watch was not visible. When you stand, your watch should be partially visible and slightly covered by your clothing. Be careful not to overtighten your Milanese mesh, leather or steel bracelet. If you have marks when you remove your watch, your band is too tight and should be loosened. Do not wear your watch over your clothes!


Your everyday accessory can be matched to your every desire. You can match all the materials of your outfit with your timepiece; belt, shoes, cufflinks, jewelry, colors of your clothes ... If your shoes are black, choose a watch with a black leather strap. Just like if you wear a belt with a buckle, choose steel or silver Milanese, which you can also match with our bracelets. The colors, materials and sizes of our men's and women's watches are diverse and varied, so you'll find what you're looking for and you can match your watch to any outfit. For your daily activities, choose a classic watch that can be worn with everything, like our Symphony women's watches and Beaucour men's watches. For those who prefer colorful outfits and like originality, our Nova women's watches and Contrast men's watches are made for you.

Collection Nova

We hope that these tips will help you if you are lacking inspiration on how to wear your watch. Know that there is no wrong way. Even if you don't follow literally all these tips, what matters most is that you like your looks and feel good about them. It's up to you to make your own look. Everyone has a style that fits and reflects their personality: our different models of men's and women's watches are there for that. We invite you to take time for yourself, our articles and our advices accompany you in all the moments of your life.

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